
 Seasons are annual changes in weather. There are four seasons each year: summer, autumn, winter and spring. Each last for 3 months.


Earth is lilted on an imaginary line that runs between the North and South Pole ( Called an axis). When the South Pole is facing the sun, It means the Southern Hemisphere experiences summer, while the Northern Hemisphere is in winter, facing space. It takes the earth one year to revolve around the sun, and during this time each hemisphere experiences weather changes associated with the amount of sunlight and warmth it receives.

In summer season, the temperature is the warmest and longest days of sunlight. In the autumn season, the temperature begin to fall. Some trees lose their leaves and some animals prepare to hibernate. In the winter season, is the coldest temperatures and less daylight hours. Some animals hibernate and some plants die. In the spring season, the day begin to warm. Plants grow new leaves and animals emerge form hibernate.

Did you know? The Equator is an imaginary horizontal line through the earth, which gets lots of sunlight and is warm year around. Close to the equator there are only two seasons: the wet and dry season.


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