One of the best ways to become a speed reader is by practicing, but can you make some changes to your daily routine that will also help your reading comprehension? Find out in this article!

How to Become a Speed Reader in Three Months

Speed reading is a skill that can be learned, just like any other. Successfully increasing your reading speed does take practice, but it's not hard to do. It's also important to make sure you are taking in the information correctly, or your time will be wasted.

Increasing Rapid Eye Movement

Rapid eye movement, or as its more commonly known, REM, is the stage of sleep. In this stage, our eyes move rapidly from side to side as we dream. Your brain is most active during this phase and that's when you're most likely to remember a dream. The average person has about six dreams per night but only remembers a few of them.

Reading Two Pages at Once

One of the most effective ways to increase your reading speed is to read two pages at once. You can read one sentence of each page on the left eye and then go straight to the other page on the right eye. This way, you won't have to go back and forth between pages, which will also improve your concentration.

Identifying the Main Idea of a Text

Speed reading, or reading faster than average, is a skill that takes time to develop. The first step in the process is to read a text and identify its main idea. This doesn’t take long because the main idea of any text is usually very straightforward. Once you have identified the key point, you can go back to other parts of the text that are relevant to it while ignoring anything that isn’t related.

Setting Reading Goals

What is a speed-reading goal? It is the number of words or pages you want to read in one minute. Your reading rate determines how many minutes it takes to complete your goal. As an example, if your goal is 100 pages and your reading rate is 200 words per minute (wpm), then it will take you only 4 minutes to finish your goal.